Thursday, February 02, 2006

1. Constiinta nu este o functie a creierului...


At 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

constiinta este o functie a creierului. "its is umbecoming for young men to utter maxims" pentru ca trebuie sa fii foarte invatat ca sa combini multe idei in cateva cuvinte.

ce ai spus se numeste logos. era folosit de retoricieni. un cuvant scurt care nuti da timp sa gandesti pare adevarat. the most famous logos is "gandesc deci exist" care nu e adevarat. ci doar un logos sa dea credibilitate cartii. rhetorica e mai mult literatura decat realitate.

acum i will prove that conscience IS part of the brain. firstly our conscience gets affected by diseases, or by tiredness, etc. anything that affects our body affects our thinking. therefore there is a connection between what we think and what we phisically are. its not like mind is separated by body. thus my first point is that there is no separation between mind and body, but one thing. secondly i have notices that some people think wrong things are right. the reason for taht is taht they have leared wrongly, or maybe their family behaved diffrently. for example there was this case of an arabic person killing his daughter for havign a girlfriend. his conscience told him that the honour of his family was more important than the life of his daugther. therefore i must point out that conscience is an aquired deep set of rules that guide your life. but they come from your childhood or the important events in your life, rather than from some magical place. furthermore your conscience may be altered in time depending on what is around you, or your personal values. that is how some people turn out to be bad people in old age, since they do not train their mind thinking that their conscience will stay the same for ever. lastly mr freud belive that conscience is those things that people want you to be, and you, being a social animal, really try to make it right. but sometimes what people whish of you may be wrong, thus a wrong conscience.

i really don't have time to make a paper that shows that conscience IS not separated from the brain. soul is but a "pre-historical" interpretation of cognition and especially of consciousness.

the problems with "i think therefore i am" kind of statements is taht they generalise too much. an ant doesn't think, but is still alive. a bee has exactly 21 neurons. it's motion is just based on an exact set of rules, or more likely instincts. to think means to show inteligence. a wasp for example has a couple of steps taht it follows brings the food to her nest, looks around, puts the food inside the nest, looks around, etc, and if you remove any of those elements the wasp will get stuck in a forever loop since is thinking is more akin to a machine.

anyone. o zi buna.

At 12:15 AM, Blogger Irinel BIRSAN said...

Nu pot sa nu-ti multumesc pentru comparatia facuta cu "retoricienii", poate pe viitor o sa imbratisez o meserie de politician....mi-ar prinde bine retorica acolo.
Nu neg ceea ce ai spus, dar ai pornit de la o premiza falsa, si cum logica ne spune ca pornind de la ceva fals vom obtine ceva adevarat, e posibil sa ai dreptate in rationament.
Premiza falsa de la care ai pornit e faptul ca ai confundat constiinta cu gandirea : "anything that affects our body affects our thinking. therefore there is a connection between what we think and what we phisically are"
"For example there was this case of an arabic person killing his daughter for havign a girlfriend. his conscience told him that the honour of his family was more important than the life of his daugther" - aici e vb de gandire , de limitarile de gandire impuse de societatea in care traieste fiecare. Constiinta e un nivel mai sus de gandire. Gandirea este formata de viata, de societate, de parinti, etc...constiinta este un supraveghetor al tuturor acestor procese. In psihologia transpersonala se vb de mai multe tipuri de constiinta, doua dintre ele fiind , connstiinta sinelui si constiinta colectiva. E mult prea sarac limbajul uman pentru a putea descrie constiinta insa la nivel simplist ea poate fi vazuta ca un fel de energie care ne leaga pe toti oamenii.
Nu mai am timp acum sa scriu....insa ca idee: cand am zis constiinta nu m-am referit la gandire si.....daca nu vedem noi nu inseamna ca nu exista (o sa fiu iarasi invinovatit ca folosesc maxime, desi nu-s)


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